Tuesday 12 January 2010

PostHeaderIcon PONDER

When love calls you, follow him, even though the course of steep and winding. And if the wings embrace you, surrender and yield to him even though the sword hidden in the wings was hurt. And if he speaks to you, believe me, though his words interrupted my dream, like a north wind damage to landscaping. . kg
Saturday 26 December 2009

PostHeaderIcon Xbox 360

To a true gamer Xbox 360 is a digital device
Friday 20 November 2009

PostHeaderIcon PONDER

If you only see what is displayed by the light and only heard what sounded by the voice, so you never actually see and hear. Kg

PostHeaderIcon iPod

When first launched, 

PostHeaderIcon PONDER

 When you reach the end of what you must know, you'll be at the beginning of what you should heart.kg
Saturday 7 November 2009

PostHeaderIcon IPod Touch

IPod Touch in its development produced by
Friday 6 November 2009

PostHeaderIcon PONDER

If someone hurt you, you can forget the pain, but if you hurt him, you will always remember. For others it was actually part of your most sensitive in the my body.kg